Training Frequency Required of CODE
Annual Notification of UC Santa Barbara Substance Abuse Policy and Implementing Guidelines Annually


All active UCLC learners


CANRA Mandated Reporter Training Every 2 years


Mandated reporters


Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities Every 2 years


Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)


General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values and Conduct

Current state: Once or as often as UCOP issues a new version.

UPDATE 2/1/25: This training is currently unavailable until UCOP issues a new version.

Future state: Every 2 years


All employees are required to complete UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing except for Researchers. They complete the UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers


Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Initial and Refresher Annually


Anyone working in or who supervises others who work in a laboratory or technical area.


UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Once


All employees, contingent workers, and campus affiliates


UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals Annually


All employees, certain contingent workers, and campus affiliates


UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers Every 2 years


All UC researchers, as defined by UCOP


UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Supervisors, Faculty, MSP Every 2 years


All faculty and supervisory employees (based on employee relations and classification codes per UCOP or listed direct reports per UCPath)


UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Non-Supervisors Annually


All non-supervisory employees, except those in graduate student title codes (as defined by UCOP)


UC Workplace Violence Prevention Once


All employees, excluding healthcare users who are assigned the Workplace Violence Prevention training for Healthcare and excluding sworn law enforcement officers.