Training | Frequency | Required of | CODE |
Annual Notification of UC Santa Barbara Substance Abuse Policy and Implementing Guidelines | Annually |
All active UCLC learners
SB-DAAP-02212024-1 |
CANRA Mandated Reporter Training | Every 2 years |
Mandated reporters
Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities | Every 2 years |
Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
SB-UCLOL0062 |
General Compliance Briefing: University of California Ethical Values and Conduct |
Current state: Once or as often as UCOP issues a new version. UPDATE 2/1/25: This training is currently unavailable until UCOP issues a new version. Future state: Every 2 years |
All employees are required to complete UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing except for Researchers. They complete the UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers
Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Initial and Refresher | Annually |
Anyone working in or who supervises others who work in a laboratory or technical area.
UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace | Once |
All employees, contingent workers, and campus affiliates
SB-UCLOL0075 |
UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals | Annually |
All employees, certain contingent workers, and campus affiliates
UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers | Every 2 years |
All UC researchers, as defined by UCOP
UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Supervisors, Faculty, MSP | Every 2 years |
All faculty and supervisory employees (based on employee relations and classification codes per UCOP or listed direct reports per UCPath)
UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Non-Supervisors | Annually |
All non-supervisory employees, except those in graduate student title codes (as defined by UCOP)
UC Workplace Violence Prevention | Once |
All employees, excluding healthcare users who are assigned the Workplace Violence Prevention training for Healthcare and excluding sworn law enforcement officers.