UCSB currently offers various training certificate programs and training series for staff. Enrollment is offered through the UC Learning Center), with the exception of the Academic Personnel Certificate Program. (To enroll, go to Academic Personnel's Staff Training Registration page.) Competency development is encouraged for those serving in roles that rely on skill and mastery in the following areas:


Academic Personnel Certificate Program

The Academic Personnel Certificate Program is designed to provide a comprehensive working knowledge of all aspects of Academic Personnel. Academic policies and procedures will be covered in general terms in the introductory course. These concepts will be further built on in the courses focused on specific groups of academic employees. Participants are welcome to take individual courses or to work towards a certificate. To earn a certificate, all classes must be completed within a two-year period. Introduction to Academic Personnel is a prerequisite for all other classes for individuals working towards the certificate.

Once you complete your final course in the Academic Personnel Certificate program, email ap-inquiry@ucsb.edu to request your certificate. In your request, please include: Your preferred display name for the printed certificate, your name as it appears in the UCSB Directory, and your preferred delivery method (pickup from the AP Office or send through campus mail - please include mail code).

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EH&S Generalist Program

The program is designed to develop knowledge of all EH&S programs through exposure to the technical aspects unique to the field. Participants complete online modules, and attend classroom workshops that develop skills and abilities applicable to the University setting.​ The primary goal is to encourage retention and growth by providing systemwide opportunities for professional development and continuing education. To complete the certificate 15 modules must be completed, including all 14 required modules and at least one elective module.

For more information or to register for this program, visit the UC Learning Center.

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FlexCard Training Series

FlexCard Program Administration offers a series of training classes. Currently, classes are offered for Department Administrators, Cardholders, and Reviewers/Allocators. Training classes for Department Administrators are being held remotely via Zoom by appointment only. Please see the FlexCard Training & Testing website for more information.

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My UC Career

This online development portal is available to all UC faculty, academic personnel, staff and students seeking to advance their career. Six self-paced modules help users discover their internal UC career mobility options, highlight accomplishments and identify how they can achieve their career goals within UC. Registering for an account provides instant access to the following six self-paced modules: Begin Career Discover, Job Search, Resume, Tell Your Story, Network and Research, and Pre and Post Interview.

To access My UC Career, a UC email address is all that's needed.

Create a My UC Career Account and Login

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Sponsored Projects Training for Administrators in Research (STAR) Program

The Sponsored Projects Training for Administrators in Research (STAR) program is a comprehensive certificated training program developed by the UCSB Office of Research to meet UCSB's research administration needs. The program's goals are to improve campus understanding of regulations, policies, and procedures; to strengthen internal controls; and to provide staff members with access to key resources and contacts when they need help.

The program is designed for employees with duties and responsibilities related to contract and grant administration. Participants are welcome to take one or several courses in areas of particular interest to them-or they may opt to earn a certificate in the STAR program.

The certificate program offers 11 required courses. This year the courses are provided in one series, offered from September through May. To earn a certificate, you must take all 11 classes. Staff members who wish to earn a STAR Program Certificate must complete the coursework in one or two years from the date they begin the course series.

To view course dates and times, visit the STAR class schedule. To register, visit the UC Learning Center. Once you have logged in use the search box and type in STAR to view all 11 courses.

For more information about Sponsored Projects training courses please send an e-mail to training@research.ucsb.edu.

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Supervisory Certificate Program (SCP)

Employees who are not supervisors, as well as those who are, are invited to enroll in the Supervisory Certificate Program. The program is designed to give staff professional training in the key areas of leadership competencies, policies and procedures, and people skills. In this series of courses new supervisors learn a basic set of supervisory skills and tools. For the experienced supervisor, the program expands skills enabling the veteran supervisor to improve existing skills and acquire new ones demanded by an increasingly diverse workforce and changing workplace. Participants develop supervision skills including leadership, employee selection and evaluation, diversity, conflict management, communication skills, delegation, team building and change.

Please see the HR Training Schedule for dates and times of current class offerings. To register, visit the UC Learning Center.

Code Hours Course Title Fee
2002 7.0 Building Strength Through Diversity $70.00
9002 3.5 Career Management: Choices That Make a Difference $35.00
2007 5.0 Classification Workshop $60.00
7121 7.0 Coaching for Improved Work Performance (Formerly Conducting Effective Performance Evaluations) $70.00
2009 7.0 Change is the New Constant (Formerly Dealing with Organizational Change) $70.00
2011 2.0 HR Disability Services $20.00
8013 7.0 Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace (Replaces 8002-Writing at Work) $70.00
2012 7.0 Employee Hiring Process $70.00
2017 7.0 Employee Relations Solutions: Help for Supervisors and Managers $70.00
2005 7.0 Leadership Skills $70.00
8009 7.0 Making Teams Work $70.00
8004 7.0 Powerful Presentations $70.00
2008 3.5 Preventing and Responding to Violence in the Workplace $35.00
2001 14.0 Supervisor Institute $140.00
Total 92.0 Total number of hours and cost for required courses $920.00


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UC Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP)

The Management Skills Assessment Program is designed to strengthen the engagement and preparation of high potential UC supervisors, managers, and professionals. It offers an intensive, off-site, assessment center experience for early career managers.

The program guides participants through a series of structured exercises and simulations observed by trained assessors who offer feedback about observed strengths and development areas. Subsequent, collaborative work after the program between the assessee participant and his/her sponsoring manager fine tunes a professional development plan designed to optimize assessment feedback.

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UC People Management Series and Certificate Program

This program is for all People Managers consisting of Core and Elective Courses, which includes local and systemwide programs and eCourses, as well as in-person learning experiences, and covers the following topics: Performance Management, Managing Implicit Bias, Managing People, Administration and Operations, Change Management and Communications.

All courses are available in the UC Learning Center (Tip: Enter "PMCP" in the "Search" field on the Learner dashboard). In order to obtain a People Management Certificate, you will need to complete all 16 Core Courses and at least 4 Elective Courses covering 4 out of 5 different competency areas. With the exception of one instructor-led course (Overview of the UCSB Performance Management Process), all of the Core Courses and Elective Courses are systemwide online courses.

Download the UC People Management Series and Certificate Course List

Upon completion of the program, you may print your certificate of completion by accessing the Learning Activity Report Training Transcript from the Learner Dashboard, clicking on the link for the Curriculum: UC People Management Certificate Program, and clicking on the certificate icon.

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UC Women’s Initiative (UC WI)

The UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI) is a unique, experiential, systemwide professional development program to support the success and advancement of mid-career, woman-identified professionals and is open to all employees who support and are committed to this mission. The program brings together participants from every UC location. Participants represent faculty, academic personnel and staff, people managers and non-people managers.

The program is sponsored by the President’s office and the Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW) and offered by Systemwide Human Resources in partnership with Coro Northern California and SACSW.

The program provides for six cohorts of 30 participants each with representatives from every UC location, come together for four interactive, all-day sessions, jointly led by a Coro Northern California facilitator and a UC Facilitator. UC facilitators are past graduates of the program who share their experience and expertise and add a UC perspective.

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UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative

The UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative program focuses on enhancing leadership skills and developing intercampus and cross-functional collaboration. To do so, the University of California partners with Coro Northern California and other facilitative partners to develop current and future administrative and faculty leaders. The program components include three, two-day intensives held at various UC locations, plus five, interactive visual sessions; and a group projects that culminates in a final group presentation for UC senior leaders. The program is rigorous and requires a firm commitment of approximately 80 hours of seminars and intersession assignments.

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